Hut&CO worked with Cranbrook School in 2016 to help the school raise £750,000 for a new Sixth Form Centre. The campaign lasted a year and was most successful with the necessary funds raised from a combination of parents and Old Cranbrookians.

Caroline’s team worked tirelessly to help the school form a Campaign Board which helped steer the Campaign to a successful conclusion. The new Sixth Form Centre has opened at the start of the 2017 academic year to resounding approval from students, staff, parents and Old Cranbrookians alike. Without HUTT&CO’s input, the project simply would not have happened.” –  Dr John Weeds, Headmaster.
Dr. John Weeds, Headmaster

Since it was established in 1518, nearly 500 years ago, Cranbrook School has remained true to its initial founding principle of offering an excellent free education to local children.  Over the centuries the school has evolved through many changes into what it is today.

The focus of this campaign was the 500th Anniversary in 2018.  In celebration of this milestone the Governors developed a long-term Masterplan that took into account the school’s expansion and the facilities that will be needed as the school goes forward.

It became clear that the school’s first priority was to transform the current Old Gym into a superb Sixth Form Centre.  This would give the 300+ Sixth Formers flexible spaces for community interaction, collaborative study, independent learning and access to high-end IT provision.  This also released space for the introduction of years 7 and 8 students where previously the school had only taken students at 13 years old. 

The school further engaged HUTT&CO to manage and direct a capital campaign to raise £750,000 to build the new Sixth Form Centre.  We used tried and tested capital fundraising techniques that depended on face to face asking and leaders stepping up to demonstrate their commitment by giving.

A voluntary Campaign Board was recruited made up of parents, Governors, past parents and Old Cranbrookians who led from the front.  Not only did they all give individually – as did all the Governors – but worked tirelessly to reach target.  The Headmaster, Dr John Weeds, was particularly instrumental in the campaign.  He presented at every reception and attended Board meetings throughout the campaign. 

We were delighted that the campaign was a resounding success – a well-deserved victory for everyone concerned, particularly Sixth Form students who are now enjoying their new facilities.