We are proud to announce that we are one of the sponsors at the forthcoming annual conference for the UK Grammar School Heads’ Association.

On June 10th and 11th we will be attending the conference and looking forward to meeting friends old and new!

Fundraising is a risky business but it is unavoidable in today’s world if schools want to progress.  Creating stimulating learning environments fit for today’s and tomorrow’s world is essential and requires significant funds – to stay the same is no longer an option.

To reduce the inherent risks associated with fundraising, it is essential that schools work with people who understand them and have the experience and expertise that can propel their fundraising to success.  Based in Leamington Spa, we have over 30 years’ experience in helping not-for-profit organisations raise money, working alongside over 100 organisations across the globe.

However, our expertise and, indeed, passion, is for state selective schools.  Having worked with some 60 grammar schools, we understand more than anyone what sets them apart.  Our intent is to introduce solutions for schools’ and their fundraising needs, whether they are capital projects or annual funding programmes.  Our team works in close partnerships, using tried and tested methods adapted to suit the particular school,  to ensure all is done to raise the required funds.

We look forward to this event!