Your Fundraising Plans - The Critical First Steps

Fundraising is a risky business but it is often an essential part of a school’s life if it is to keep its facilities and infrastructure up to date. To reduce the associated risks, it is essential that schools work with people who understand them and have the experience and expertise that can propel their fundraising to success. 

Hutt & Co specialises in devising fundraising strategies for capital projects in mainly state sector schools. We also have extensive experience of advising on ways schools can improve their annual fundraising programmes.

The first and most critical step is to undertake a Feasibility Study that tests your plans with your community.  It is through the Study that the strategy is developed that underpins fundraising success.

On March 19th 2020, we will be hosting THE SPRING TERM ROUND TABLE LUNCH at our offices in Leamington Spa.

Caroline Hutt will lead the session and will be joined by David Wheeldon, retired Headmaster of King Edward VI Five Ways. We expect an interesting and lively debate as well as giving you an opportunity to ask any questions you have about fundraising.