Green Shoots Emerging....

What a year the entire world has faced! Words like ‘zoom’, ‘masking’, ‘social distancing’, ‘R’ rate, were all unfamiliar a year ago but are now part of our everyday language.

We have learnt a great deal about ourselves both collectively and individually and, as we emerge from the shadows of lockdown in careful stages, we can take some of those lessons with us as we face the future.

The PM’s announcement today spelt out the Government’s roadmap for emerging from lockdown, including for schools. We can now plan fundraising initiatives, aligned to the key steps of returning to normal life, with more confidence and less ambiguity and uncertainty, all key ingredients for successful fundraising. When the way ahead is clear, energy rises!

If you would like to have an informal chat about your fundraising plans and potentially undertaking a Feasibility Study with our help do call Caroline on 07736 634143